Head of Department - College of Science and Arts-Najran

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Head of Department

Vice-President of the University

Name: Mohammed Ali Faya Ibraheem Al-Almaei
Academic Position: Associate professor
Email: mfaya2000@hotmail.com.
Website: www.mfaya.com.

Academic Qualifications:

Bachelor of Mathematics from KSU, Abha branch

Master of Mathematics from college of science KSU
Ph.D of mathematics (Algebra) from University of St. Andrews -UK

Teaching Experience:

Teaching of various courses of Algebra for undergraduate and postgraduate students such as:
Fundamental of Mathematics-Logic and modern, Algebra-Algebra matrices, Linear Algebra, Group Theory-Numbers Theory, Semi Groups Theory, and Rings and Fields

Computer and Programming Experience:
There is much interest to deal with computer programs as due to the need , hobby and the major itself , in addition to the mastery of computer basics, some languages programs can be dealt with proficiently for examples; Basic, Pascal, Fortran, Gap, Oracle PL/SQL, and MAGMA.

Academic and Administrative Assignments:

1-Representative of the department of mathematics in the Research centre of KKU

2-Head of the department of Mathematics from 2001-2003

3-Acting head of the department of mathematics in 2003

4-Acting cooperator with the deanship of admission and registration at KKU from 2003-2005

5-Vie-dean of admission and registration for technical affairs at KKU from 2003-2005

6-Vice-dean of admission and registration at KKU since 2005

7-Member of the high scientific committee of mathematics at the ministry of education

8-Member of the supporting teamwork for comprehensive visualization of electronic and distance learning-ministry of higher education.

9-Member of consultant committee for developing the curricula of mathematics –ministry of education

10-Member of the founding committee of statistical Association.

11-Member of the deanship of community services from 2001- 2003

12-Member of assistant teachers and lecturers committee –College of Science

13-Member of the timetable committee at the university

14-Member of computer, instruction, and electronic learning

15-Member of electronic transaction committee at the university

16-Member of scientific committee for symposium on Education in the era of the Custodian of Two Holy Mosques-KKU

17-Member of the postgraduate studies committee at the department of mathematics

18-Member of the ministerial committee for developing the courses of mathematics

19-Member of the control committee of General Aptitude Test in Abha centre 2004

20-Chairman of the committee of General Aptitude Test for the first term in Regal Alma centre 2005

21-Chairman of the committee of General Aptitude Test for the second term in Sarat Obaida centre 2005

22-Vice chairman of general aptitude test for Abha centre 2006

23- Member of the arbitrarian committee for a number of branches of Abha Prize

24-member of viva committee for number of master thesis

25-Member of examination committee for the second term of the academic year 1996-1997
26-Member of ceremonies and reception committee for laying foundation stone for the project of the university buildings.

Participation of conferences ,symposia, and workshops:
1-Participated with a research at the Conference on the Representation Theory and its Application which was held at the university of Uppsala in Sweden from 22-27/4/2004

2- Participation with a paper at the Fourth European Conference on Mathematics which was held at the University of Stockholm from 28/6-5/7/2004

3- WSEAS Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 27-29-05-2006, participated with two researches

4-The International conference of Algebra which was held at the university of Hong Kong in 23/8/1997

5-The Twenty fifth of Arab organization for officials responsible for admission and registration in Arab universities which was held at Bahrain University between 26-29/4/2004

6-The international conference about the custodian of two holy mosques and his achievements which was held at KSU in Riyadh

7- A workshop on WebCT in computer administration centre –KKU

8-A course on Leadership and strategic change orientation organized at the institute of administration –KKU.

9-The periodic symposia and advanced courses which were periodically carried out at the department of mathematics-K.K.U

10-TheInternational Conference of E-learning –Maskat-Oman 2006

11-A workshop of higher education statistics in Riyadh- 2006

12- A symposium of higher education statistics in Riyadh- 2005
13-The International Conference in Distance Learning –KFU-2008

Membership of Associations and Scientific Forums:
1-Member of American Mathematics Society

2-Member of Saudi Society for mathematics sciences

3-Member of semi-groups forum
4-Member of Edinburg Mathematical Society

Certificates of Merits and Shields:

1- Abha prize for the most energetic teaching staff member for the year 2006

2- Certificate of Merit from His Royal Highness Prince Khalid Al-Faisal to the first position among the graduates of King Saud University for a bachelor's degree with accumulative degree of excellence with first class honors
3-A shield of Appreciation from His Excellency, the Saudi Cultural Attaché in U.K for presiding the Saudi Student Club in Dandi and Aberdin for two consecutive session


1. Some geometrical aspects of quasiconformal mappings, M. Sc. Thesis.

2. Semigroup presentations, Ph.D. Thesis.
3. On the embedding of ordered semigroups into ordered groups, Czechoslovak mathematical
journal, 54 (129) (2004), 303-313.
4. On the ranks of certain sporadic simple groups by Suzuki, Thompson and Rudvalis, Algebras,
Groups and Geometries, Vol.22, 2005.
5. On the ranks of Harada-Norton sporadic simple group HN, International Mathematical Journal,
Vol. 1, no. 1-4, 2006, 175-183
6. On the ranks of Conway group Co1, Proceeding of the Japan Academy, Vol.81, Ser.A, No.6
(2005), (Joint work with Faryad Mohammed Ali).
7. On the ranks of HS and McL groups, UTILITAS Mathematica, Vol. 70, July 2006. (Joint work
with Faryad Mohammed Ali).
8. On the ranks of Conway groups Co2 and Co3 , Journal of Algebra and its applications, Vol.4,
No.5 (2005) 1-9, ( Joint work with Faryad Mohammed Ali). This article is listed as the third of
the top access articles in this journal for 2006-2007.
9. On the ranks of Tits simole group, WSEAS Transactions on mathematics, Vol. 5, no. 7,
10. (2,3,t)-generations for the Tits simple group, Proceeding of the 9th WSEAS International
Conference on Applied Mathematics, 2006, 362-366.

Research Interests:
Group and Semigroup theory, Groups and Semigroups presentations, Groups and Semigroups representations, Group and semigroups characters, Computational algebra, automata , codes and word theory.

رئيسه القسم

الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على أشرف الأنبياء والمرسلين سيدنا ونبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وبعد،

يسرني أن أرحب بكم في الموقع الإلكتروني لقسم الرياضيات بكلية العلوم والآداب بجامعة نجران  وكلي أمل أن نوفق في تقديم كل مايفيدكم ويرقى لمستوى تطلعاتكم. فالموقع يهدف إلى التعريف بقسم الرياضيات وبرامجه والخطط والمقررات الدراسية التي يقدمها القسم ويعرض الهيكل التنظيمي للقسم وينشر السير الذاتية لأعضاء هيئة التدريس ومنسوبيه والأبحاث العلمية والمشاريع البحثية لأعضاء هيئة التدريس وكذلك الأنشطة واللجان العلمية وأهم أخبار القسم.

كما يهدف الموقع الى التعريف بأهمية الرياضيات وتطبيقاتها وكذلك الخدمات التي يمكن للقسم أن يقدمها للمجتمع. فمنذ تأسيس القسم وغاية أملنا أن نُخرج كوكبة علمية رائدة ذات كفاءة عالية ومؤهلة لخدمة الوطن وتحقيق آماله وتطلعاته. فقسم الرياضيات يمنح حاليا درجتي البكالوريوس والماجستير في تخصص العلوم في الرياضيات. فالقسم كان ومايزال يسعى للتنسيق مع الجهات ذات العلاقة بالكلية والجامعة إلى تحقيق أهداف ورؤية قسم الرياضيات وأهدافه المنبثقة من رؤية وأهداف كلية العلوم والآداب ومن ثم رؤية وأهداف الجامعة والتي تساهم في تحقيق رؤية المملكة 2030. يسعى قسم الرياضيات الى توفير بيئة تعليمية مناسبة لجميع طلابه وطالباته من خلال توفير الخدمات التي يحتاجونها وتجهيز المعامل والقاعات الدراسية بأحدث الأجهزة والتقنيات في مجال التعليم والتي هي حق مكتسب لكل طالب وطالبة في هذا الصرح العلمي الكبير.

ختاما أُوكد أن القسم يحرص أشد الحرص على تعزيز سُبل التواصل معكم ويسعد بسماع جميع آرائكم ومقترحاتكم البناءة التي تهدف الى تطوير وتحسين الخدمات التي يقدمها القسم للرقي بمستوى مخرجاته العلمية والبحثية.

رئيسة قسم الرياضيات

د. منال مفرح القحطاني